I kid you not, I honestly think this was my first (and probably last) big splurge for a long time. I don’t regret it because it is an item that I will wear frequently. So if you’re curious about what I got, maybe click “read more” to find out?
Honestly I can’t say that I got this on a whim, because there was about a 3 month long discussion with my mom before this purchase. Most of the time it was of her trying to convince me to buy some other $200+ coat rather than the one I had my eye on, which was cheaper in comparison.
Here’s the backstory; normally, spring in Toronto (in my opinion) can range anywhere from you needing “just a light jacket”, to “I need something warmer”. My options weren’t that good to be honest, so I had hoped that the coat would fit the grey area between temperatures.
My original preference was to get a beige colour because I already had a black coat and the dark brown colour in the pictures had looked more chocolate than a dark greyish-brown. Unfortunately, it was out of stock and didn’t seem like it was going to be back in stock, I also toyed around with the idea of getting a few of my other options but ultimately the fit would’ve been a little tight for me. So I ended up ordering the CHUU Studios No. 9 in deep brown.
Cut to about 3-4 weeks later and the coat had arrived in the mail, after picking it up from the post office I immedietly tried it on and it fit nicely.  It wasn’t unnecessarily long and fell to about an inch below my knees, it’s the same colour as in the pictures (grey-ish dark brown) and has a sash/belt to hold the coat closed. Overall, it’s perfect for the “in between” temperatures for spring and fall.

The price I got the coat for is about $180 CAD which isn’t bad, but I personally would consider this a pretty pricey purchase. Overall, it will be a good purchase depending on where you get this coat and at what price.

About The Author

Malisa is a teen that lives in Toronto, Canada, that likes to blog about her adventures and experiences about beauty and lifestyle. She will also occasionally blog about random tips and ‘real talk’ sessions regarding topics outside of ones she’ll usually talk about.


Toronto-based Beauty and Lifestyle blogger focusing on the world of Korean Skincare and Beauty, particularly product reviews and where to get them in Canada.

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