It’s been a long while, but there will be a new sub-blog called ‘College Life’ that’s meant to help others thinking about going into the VTE field, and etc. It may also loop back to some of my regular tags, but I don’t think that will happen often. So anyways, if you’re interesting in see the college journey for any reason at all, follow the tag!
I had said when I was a child in 3rd grade that I had wanted to become a veterinarian, but was dissuaded when the teacher had described how their cousin was in the field and how it took a toll on them emotionally. After that, I pretty much kept bouncing around possible careers until late-ish high school. Let me just tell you first, if you don’t have an idea what you want to do, you don’t have to panic so soon.
For those applying to get into college/university in September, you will have done your thing already so this would be a little recap I guess.
For those thinking about become a Veterinary Technician, there are many schools around Toronto you could apply to. But because of the nature of the program, it’s very likely you’ll end up having to travel pretty far outside of the city to attend. Some of the schools I know of is; Seneca King, Sheridan (Davis campus I think) and Ridgetown @ Guelph.
Most programs will have you write an entrance exam on top of your application but I know some will require a portfolio of your experience if you have any in the field. Luckily for my year at the school, we only did the entrance exams so I guess we lucked out there if we didn’t have a lot of experience in the field.
If you’re interested in reading about my college life, and etc. There’ll be a scroll down menu when you hover over “blog” and you can see the sub blog “college life”.

I’ll have some posts up about the first day of school and whatnot soon, considering I’m home for 3 weeks. See you then!


Toronto-based Beauty and Lifestyle blogger focusing on the world of Korean Skincare and Beauty, particularly product reviews and where to get them in Canada.

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