Hello! It’s fall, home of the season and temperature change. Hope everyone’s doing well! It’s been a hot minute since I went on a bit of a hiatus after having little to no break during the school year, but I’m back and excited to get things rolling. Here’s the update.

I ended up taking a bit of a long hiatus from the blog due to overwork, and kind of lack of security in my school life. See, I spent an entire year looking for an internship which I needed to graduate. Only to be met with no results, etc. It left me doubting myself, and my skills and also drew me into my anxious brain. Adding this anxious cycle on top of summer courses for the second year in a row got to be too much for me, and I ended up pulling back from the blog to try and stabilize myself. I was still active on social media but anything creative writing-related, or blog-related I did not touch until recently.

There’s a lot of backlog for me to sort through but I also have some new things set up so look forward to that. But moving on. . .

The first picture I took on the trip via Porter Airlines.

I’ve completed my summer semester and while I did go on vacation about two weeks after that, I did return in time to continue my internship search. I’m also happy to say that I did find an internship, so I will be on track to graduating this Spring. I don’t remember if the actual graduation ceremony will take place in June or if it’s one of those that take place in the fall, so we’ll see. But as someone who dropped out of their first post-secondary program, I’m both excited and anxious to be graduating soon. I’m nervous but excited to potentially have both my parents with me when I graduate, and also to see me with a gown and cap. While I did personally retake my high school graduation photos in a gown and cap (I couldn’t attend the ceremony), it feels a bit different to me.

There’s a lot to unpack there, mainly because to my family I’ll be the first in this branch to be going to and graduating from post-secondary education. There’s also a lot of pressure, mainly worries and thoughts about job searching after graduation, future career outlook, and student debt but I’m choosing to look forward to tackling those challenges.

In the meantime, I’m hoping to enjoy the cool fall weather. It makes me think, and I feel like the cool but not outright cold weather helps to ground me after an eventful summer. Halloween is right around the corner too, can you believe it? I always dreamed about Halloween parties and attending one after high school, but that’s something that’s yet to be crossed off the bucket list.

Next On The Blog

First things first, are the first few editions of “Travel Diaries”. This was a series that I had been hoping to start after I left high school since there was a trip being planned, but that never made it out of the planning stages. The Travel Diaries will start with my trip to San Francisco and fair warning, the editions might be lengthy. While I don’t have any travel plans for the next year, I do hope to be able to continue this series without too large of a gap between trips in the future.

Second, I have been purchasing some K-beauty products directly from Korea over the past year via a forwarding service/personal shopper company called Delivered Korea. For those who have purchased K-pop merch or albums overseas, you may be familiar with the concept behind these companies. But you essentially sign up and get an address to ship to in Korea (since most KR sites need a Korean shipping address), or there’s an option to submit a form and they’ll purchase it for you. So all you pay for is the product + shipping* (if applicable) and then shipping to your home (*plus applicable fees). I’ll try to explain more in the specific blog post, so keep an eye out for that!

Lastly, I actually have a lot of reviews, product introductions, roundups and even some comparisons that are a little backed up. Please look forward to those as they gradually come out following my usual schedule; one post essentially every week. I did initially think about temporarily increasing the frequency of the blog posts, but I worry about burning myself out again so maybe not.

What are you most excited about first? The Travel Diaries launch? Shopping in Korea via Kaddy (Korean Address)/Personal shopper? Or maybe it’s the new reviews lined up? Let me know in the comments!


Toronto-based Beauty and Lifestyle blogger focusing on the world of Korean Skincare and Beauty, particularly product reviews and where to get them in Canada.

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